36 .
Which of these statement is incorrect ?
A.Every class must contain a main() method.
B. Applets do not require a main() method at all.
C. There can be only one main() method in a program.
D.main() method must be made public.
View AnswerAns: Every class must contain a main() method.
37 .
Which of the following error never comes in java.
A.Compile time error
B. Linking error
C. Run time error
D.None of the above
View AnswerAns: Linking error
38 .
Which of the following error never comes in java.
A.Compile time error
B. Linking error
C. Run time error
D.None of the above
View AnswerAns: Linking error
39 .
A special method that is used to initialize a class object ?
A.Abstract method
B. Static method
C. Constructor method
D.Overloaded method
View AnswerAns: Constructor method
40 .
If an expression contains double,int,float,long,then whole expression will promoted into which of these data types ?
B. int
C. double
View AnswerAns: double