11 .
Which of the following constructor of class Thread is valid one?
A.Thread(Runnable threadOb, int priority)
B. Thread(int priority)
C. hread(Runnable threadOb, String threadName)
D.Thread(String threadName, int priority)
View AnswerAns: hread(Runnable threadOb, String threadName)
12 .
What will happen if two thread of same priority are called to be processed simultaneously?
A.Any one will be executed first lexographically
B. Both of them will be executed simultaneously
C. None of them will be executed
D.It is dependent on the operating system.
View AnswerAns: It is dependent on the operating system.
13 .
What is synchronization in reference to a thread?
A.It’s a process of handling situations when two or more threads need access to a shared resource.
B. Its a process by which many thread are able to access same shared resource simultaneously.
C. Its a process by which a method is able to access many different threads simultaneously.
D.Its a method that allow to many threads to access any information require.
View AnswerAns: It’s a process of handling situations when two or more threads need access to a shared resource.
14 .
What is the default value of priority variable MIN_PRIORITY AND MAX_PRIORITY?
A.0 & 256
B. 0 & 1
C. 1 & 10
D.1 & 256
View AnswerAns: 1 & 10
15 .
Which of these class is used to create servers that listen for either local or remote client programs?
A. httpServer
B. ServerSockets
C. MimeHeader
View AnswerAns: ServerSockets